Journal Publications
Selected papers presented at the past conferences have been published in the following journals:-Best papers from SDM-16 published in the Special Issue on Sustainable Manufacturing for the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
Editor: R. Setchi, Cardiff University and P. Maropoulos, Aston University
Best papers from SDM-15 published in the Special Issue on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing for the International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (IJSE)
Editor: R. Setchi, Cardiff University
Selected papers from SDM-14 published in the Special Issue on Knowledge Management for Sustainability, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences (IJSS)
Editors: R. Setchi, Cardiff University and Susan Grant, Brunel University
Selected papers from SDM-14 published in the Special Issue on Decision Support for Sustainable Design and Manufacturing for the Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (JIPE)
Editors: Rossi Setchi and Ying Liu, Cardiff University and Weidong Li, University of Coventry, UK